To better understand what a VPS is, it is best first to understand the concept of a server; The definition and meaning of a server in many people’s minds when buying hosting services becomes Bold and challenging for them.
The server is a powerful and always-on computer that users expect to respond to their requests at different times and store information and data uploaded to the site. Generally, servers are the most important communication factor in the network.
If the access to the server is only within the scope of an internal network, It is called a network server, and all the computers connected to this network will be under the control of the server and will Provide their web-based needs with its help.
But if we know that this network consists of all the computers that are connected through the Internet, we are faced with a larger group of computers that are turned on and available through the Internet. The Internet server provides users with the information searched on the Internet bandwidth around the clock.
If we want to explain this subject completely, the Internet is a vast network of computers located around the world; Two computer systems create a network by communicating and exchanging information with each other.
As you know, every system has a specific address for access and identification, and by connecting to the Internet, they join its large network. They are receiving services or Servicing with their unique address on the Internet.
In this network, some systems are servicing; By entering the site address in the browser, The contents and information of the site are located in the system on which the web server is installed. A site may contain a lot of information, or many users worldwide may be connected to this site; Certainly, this site can not be supported by a simple computer.
As a result of the server as a Service Provider, In the large Internet network by sending information to the browser at any time of the day; Provides users with the content of the site that you have allowed to display and hosts your users well.
Now that you are fully acquainted with the definition of a server, we will define a virtual server.